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Youth Advisory Panel Service

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UN1TY has set up FutureVision, a youth advisory panel service that will help boards get input and insight from the generation that will be both their future clients and future employees.

The panel will provide unfiltered but curated feedback to an organisation and their strategy from a perspective that is not normally present round the boardroom table.

Arranged and managed by our team, businesses get access to diversity of thought with zero-hassle.

Are your priorities their priorities? Do you have the right strategies? Are your plans relevant to that audience?


Get future ready insight into your boardroom


If you want to harness the insights and experiences of a different generation and future-proof your strategy please get in touch.


We offere a curated and managed experience that plugs into your board meetings with actionable results. 




Youth Advisors

Help businesses make the right choices


If you are age 16-24 and want some valuable experience in the world of work and to help businesses understand and better reflect your views and perspectives, please complete the form on the link below.


Our youth advisors get full training and are paid fairly for their time.



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