The University of Sussex Business School has published a new study demonstrating the efficacy of #CarbonLiteracy Training and how it has created stronger intention among participants to get involved in sustainable practices, therefore catalysing meaningful behavioural changes at an individual and organisational level.
Most participants already had a decent knowledge base and understanding about the causes and effects of carbon emissions - the real, impactful result of the training was the discussion of measurable actions that we can all be taking at an individual and organisational level, which drives home the pressing need that we all need to be the catalyst for change.
By management allowing time and actively encouraging participation in the course, a strong collaborative environment was created where productive discussion about greenhouse gases in the workplace occurred, and a plan of action was developed by those taking part. Overall, this really drives home the significant role that training plays in creating intention for behavioural change towards carbon reduction in professional settings. Carbon Literacy Training was seen to change attitudes towards sustainability and strengthen social pressure to become involved in sustainable practices, therefore creating significant behavioural changes within the organisation.
Check the study out for yourselves here: University-of-Sussex-CL-Research-2024.pdf (carbonliteracy.com) or do one better and book onto our Carbon Literacy Training course!
October dates are open – sign up now: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/carbon-literacy-project-guernsey-tickets-1000129202367
Or we can offer bespoke training – contact our team for more information.