In the latest edition of Business Brief, a pretty interesting article has been published (if we say so ourselves!) about carbon balancing, what it means, and why it’s important. UN1TY are sponsoring the carbon balancing of the Chamber’s Gala Dinner, meaning that the activities contributing to the event (e.g. the energy used to power the evening, or the travel of the attendees) are measured for their carbon emissions. This data then impacts the decisions made regarding the management and reduction of the environmental impact, with the remaining carbon emissions offset by buying carbon credits from Durrell’s Rewild scheme, which works to boost biodiversity in vulnerable regions worldwide.
Carbon offsets are often given a hard time, having been abused by some businesses who continue to engage in poor environmental practices. At UN1TY we know that sustainability goes a lot further than carbon offsets, and businesses need to implement science-based plans towards net-zero, but carbon offsets can form part of a successful strategy, given that they help to allocate a cost to emissions and incentivise action towards reducing these.
Check the article out here (page 30): Business Brief (pagesuite.com)